Browse Items (11 total)

  • Tags: Staff and Faculty 2/239 Angie Johnson Reggie Sanders retirement.jpg
Reggie Sanders, Widefield Legend, retirement at Widefield High School, Reggie worked at the high school for over 24 years 2/240 Angie Johnson Reggie and sister Anthonette at retirement.jpg
Reggie and his sister, Anthonette, at his retirement Widefield High School 2/241 Angie Johnson Reggie at his morning post.jpg
Reggie at his usual morning post greeting students and parents in front of Widefield High School 2/242 Angie Johnson Reggie in retirement hat.jpg
Reggie in his retirement hat, Widefield High School 2/243 Angie Johnson Reggie with Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Schube.jpg
Reggie with Widefield High School Principal, Mr. Hoffman, and Athletic Director, Mr. Shub. 2/244 Angie Johnson Reggie poster.jpg
Poster for Reggie at Widefield High School Graduation 2/251 Baltazar Padeway Mr Castle current.jpg
Mr. Castle, past assistant principal and basketball coach from Widefield High School, with his wife
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